“Everyday Australians becoming millionaires!”

DDP Property is a revolutionary company with a proven strategy for turning first time investors with as little as $55k into property tycoons with entire portfolios. We do it by getting our clients up to $30k cash back each time they purchase a property and they then use this to buy subsequent properties. Each time building a positive geared portfolio that pays itself off.

– Start with as little as $55,000 in cash or equity
– Get up to $30k cash back on every purchase
– DDP can build you an entire property portfolio step by step
– Hundreds of successful property purchases under value
– A huge list of successful client testimonials
– National network of agents so we get properties before the market
– Massive team that work together on your portfolio
– Buyers agents, finance brokers, conveyancers, researchers, mentors…
– We manage the builders and we can even finance renovations!
– Find out how to build a property portfolio like the pros!
Founded by acclaimed property author & mentor Zaki Ameer.
Founded by acclaimed property author & mentor Zaki Ameer.

We show you how to build a positive geared portfolio that pays itself off!
3 example property deals:
DDP uses a combination of strategies that have been adopted by successful property investors for years only we’re the first company to literally take care of the entire process for you.
Owning property does not have to be expensive, let us show you how today!
“As your buyers agency we start with one property, then show you how to roll the equity and positive cash-flow into multiple properties, each time building wealth AND a better lifestyle.”
DDP is your
ONE-STOP-SHOP for Property Investment!