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Feedback Policy

Client Complaints Policy

DDP provides excellent client experience and maintains a healthy client relationship at all levels of the teams. We have a Complaints Policy to ensure all complaints are handled as efficiently and effectively as possible.

As a client of ours, you are entitled to make a complaint to us. The following outlines our policy and procedures for handling verbal and written complaints.


We want to resolve your complaints as soon as possible. Please call your dedicated sales consultant\Business Development Manager, and we’ll do our best to fix any problems you may be having with our service as soon as possible.

Our Responsibilities:

  • To provide an efficient, fair and structured mechanism for handling complaints.
  • To provide our clients access to the complaints handling process, including those with disabilities and special needs.
  • To keep clients informed about the progress of their complaints and the expected resolution timeframe.
  • Annual review of our complaints so that we can improve our standard of client service.

Handling Your Complaint:

  • Upon receiving a complaint, we will acknowledge your matter via telephone or in writing within 2 business days.
  • If your complaint is urgent, such as when we have accepted you as undergoing financial hardship or duress or are in imminent danger of actual economic loss, we will prioritise your complaint and attempt to resolve it within 10 working days. If we cannot, we will explain why and the reasons for taking longer.
  • We will keep you informed of the progress of your complaint, proposed actions and the expected timeframe for resolution.
  • We aim to resolve complaints in a timely manner, and we will generally resolve a matter within 30 calendar days.
  • Complex complaints may take longer than 30 calendar days to resolve. In these cases, we will regularly update you on the progress and likely timeframe for resolution.
  • We will advise you of the outcome of your complaint. We will notify you in writing Where you requested us to do so.
  • We may impose a charge for handling your complaint in exceptional circumstances. For example, we may charge you a fee where your complaint requires us to retrieve archived records that are more than 12 months old or engage third parties (such as brokers, banks, solicitors, etc) that are involved in your matter, we require information from then, and we are charged fee associated with the retrieval of this information.
  • Making a complaint should generally be accessible. If we think your complaint requires a charge, we will not impose one without discussion with you. If your complaint is upheld in your favour, and we have charged you complaint handling fees, we will refund you the total fees charged within 30 days.

Step One:

If you have a complaint regarding any aspect of your account or dealings with DDP, we urge you to telephone your sales consultant/business Development Manager in the first instance. Our objective is to resolve most enquiries or complaints during your first contact with us.

If you prefer to write your complaint, we will respond to your letter and confirm any details in writing if you request us to do so.

You may also email us your complaint to:

You can appoint an authorised representative or an advocate to interact with us if you like. We are required to sign a Power of Attorney document or other relevant authority form. When you discuss your complaint with us, we can assist you to clarify and formulate the complaint.

Step Two:

Our management oversees complaints made to the company. After a complaint is made, if it is not immediately resolved, we may need to investigate it. This process may take 15 Business Days or longer (in which case we will update you with a reason for the delay and the expected timeframe).

If you are dissatisfied with the response tendered to you, you may ask your liaison to escalate your complaint directly to senior management. If so, we will try to make a senior management representative available to address the complaint as soon as possible (depending on availability).

Step Three:

When your complaint is resolved, we will confirm this with you within 10 business days. If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction by us, and depending on the nature of your complaint, you may refer your complaint to the following outside bodies:

Queensland Fair Trading

All services provided to consumers must be carried out with due skill and care, fit for the purposes requested and provided in a reasonable timeframe if one is not set. This means that the services you receive should be of a standard and quality that could be reasonably expected from a competent person in that trade or industry. If the service provider fails to meet its obligations, you can claim compensation for expenses incurred because of loss or damage.

However, if you insist on having a service provided in a particular way that is against the service provider’s advice, the service provider cannot be held responsible if the result is unsatisfactory because the method was unsuitable.

Queensland Fair Trading can assist you if you have been unable to resolve your complaint with us. Queensland Fair Trading seeks the cooperation of BOTH parties through an alternative dispute resolution process to achieve a fair and reasonable outcome.

​To lodge a complaint with Queensland Fair Trading, you can visit:
or call 13 74 68.

Queensland Fair Trading provides free information about your rights and options to resolve disputes with traders. In some cases, our staff can contact the trader and attempt to negotiate a settlement.

If they are unable to negotiate your matter successfully, you can consider taking your dispute to the QLD Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT).

The Tribunal provides independent, low-cost, accessible dispute resolution in consumer or tenancy disputes. There is a fee to apply. Application forms and the fee schedule can be obtained from the Tribunal’s website at or by calling the Tribunal on 1300 753 228

When should I go to QLD Fair Trading?

If you have a complaint about our service, the first step you should take is to contact us and try and resolve it directly. Usually, the problem can be resolved at this stage. However, if you are unhappy with the resolution of the problem, you can make a complaint to QLD Fair Trading.

How much does it cost?

The QLD Fair Trading service is free. There is no charge to have a complaint investigated by NSW Fair Trading.

 If you don’t speak English, you can call the Commonwealth Government’s Translating and Interpreting Services on 131 450 and ask to be put through to the TIO. The TIO pays for the cost of using the interpreter service. The TIO also has fact sheets available in different languages.


The Office of the Information Commissioner can assist you with all matters related to privacy. To lodge a complaint, call 1300 363 992 or visit

For specific service and trade practices issues, you may lodge a complaint to:

  • The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and/or
  • You may also obtain legal advice from your solicitor as an alternative avenue for resolution.
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