Jump on Trump!
Hi ,
Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is one smart cookie. He’s a property guy through and through. Just last year his property holdings were worth around $3.5 billion.
If it’s good enough for him it’s good enough for us. One of the things which makes him such a shrewd investor is taking the long term view.
He knows property rises in value as time goes by. Which means he can play president for 4 years …
… and when his time is up he’ll be richer than today.
Imagine how rich he’d be if he was an Aussie. Unlike the US property market which tanked in 2007, our market had a small wobble, then kept powering onwards and upwards.
Check out the history of Australian house prices
The other thing Trump does really well is finding exceptional deals. It’s why he develops, and why he buys hotels, casinos and resorts. Think about it. Why would you point a finger at a map to find an investment when you can be smarter and make your money faster.
You can do this too by finding areas which are about to boom, not areas which have almost run out of steam. Or investing in a duplex to get massive cashflow. Or renovating to add value.
Be smart, and you can be a property mogul like Donald Trump … without needing millions to start. I started out with nothing and amassed one million dollars in equity in 3 years.
So when you’re ready to find out some better ways then book a time with one of our advisors.
We’ll show you new ways to create wealth faster by adding value to your investment. We’ll talk about the strategies which work best for your current situation and your goals. And we’ll tell you where you should be investing to make these strategies work fastest.