Expert advice at a fraction of the price
We make it our business to ensure you are well informed prior to making a buying decision.
As part of our due diligence service we give you comprehensive reports BEFORE you place your offer and AFTER you go to contract.
You should NEVER buy a property you don’t know. There are essentially two reports you need when buying a property:
- The report that tells you which property to buy and matches your property portfolio growth strategy and;
- The one that confirms this property is sound and secure and won’t have any hidden secrets after you buy it.
Our reports are prepared by our research department and are extremely thorough. They detail the benefits and likely outcomes of purchasing. Engaging the services of a regular property research company usually entails a massive investment. But our primary aim is to MAKE you money, and we do this by providing you with quality advice which means you will have many future successful transactions through us.
This is a testament to our dedication to quality and an assurance to our customers that we are here to serve with the best intentions.