1. Save time and money Following a robust purchasing process, a typical Buyer’s Agent will spend approximately 56 hours to successfully purchase a home on your behalf. 2. Guaranteed undermarket pricing Further to the above, each property
Property Deal in Brisbane with Dual Occupancy
Queensland is showing strong signs of growth. More and more media articles and reports are surfacing predicting huge growth for this region. Yesterday ANZ Bank crushed fears of a housing crash by changing its outlook,
Federal Budget Announcement 2020
2020 saw Australians ride a whirlwind of natural and economic disasters, with COVID-19 bringing the world into the most severe global economic downturn since the Great Depression. Despite a tremendously challenging year, Australians have coped extremely
Property Deal of the Week
How to recover your recent super losses
Most Australians would have lost about 15% of their Super balance in recent months. BELOW, we show you how to recover your losses, AND ALSO recover your wealth so you have a super balance higher than what it was prior to COVID-19
Stamp Duty Abolished – Once In A Lifetime Opportunity
The Government has just eliminated stamp duty on newly-built homes below $800,000 for the next 12 months. “First home buyers and the construction industry will be the big winners under a targeted boost, which will
The MAGICAL power of Capital Growth
Ever wondered how the wealthy keep getting wealthier? Many of us spend years trying to create & develop mythical wealth building strategies. We only need to look around to realize the oldest strategy for wealth building is
Western Sydney Airport opportunities for investors
The biggest hurdle to investing – is knowing where to buy! In his latest video, Zaki discusses the impact of the new Nancy-Bird Walton Airport on the real estate market in Western Sydney. The Australian
7 GOLDEN RULES for Property Investing
Here are our 7 GOLDEN RULES every property investor must know before they start their journey! 1. Duration of your investment – when making any property investment, experienced investors understand that property must be held for a minimum